Friday 27 July 2012

Life Hacks!

Want to make your life easier??Here's some of the best life hack video i've seen so far

Saturday 21 July 2012

The Colorado 'Dark Knight"

Hello forum : ),
Are you guys excited about the movie dark knight?well i haven't watch it yet and try to avoid myself from any spoiler ..well that aside, a lot of us have long anticipated this movie and thought that after watching it, we would have later a very very very delightful day..
but not in Colorado..
Imagine yourself sitting in the movie theater and enjoying a movie that you have look forward to lets say about 2 years(just imagine)..there you are nibbling on your popcorn when suddenly..
you saw a gunman dressed in black and wearing a helmet, body armor and a gas mask stepped through the side door..what would you do then?but seeing all the other audience was not in panic state, you thought maybe..just maybe it was just an extra performance for the part of one of the summer’s most highly anticipated films...
but then, out of the blue, he threw a gas canister and filled the whole theater with smoke and opened fire as the other audience was screaming in terror...this has never happen before.except in the nazi's days..
this was real and had happen in Aurora,Colorado yesterday,At least 12 people were killed and 58 wounded — 11 critically — in one of the deadliest mass shootings in recent U.S. history..damnit, what in the world is this guy thinking..
This guy turns out to be student studying neuroscience in a Ph.D. program at the University of Colorado-Denver but was about to drop out. His name is James Holmes.Those who knew Holmes described him as a shy, intelligent man who grew up in San Diego with parents who were active in their well-to-do suburban neighborhood..well that was really first i thought the suspect would be like some sort of psycho maniac whose life was ruined because of the cape crusader??that's really messed up..i look up for the connection between the movie and the shooting but it was unclear.New York City’s police commissioner said he was told the gunman had painted his hair red and called himself the Joker — Batman’s nemesis — but Aurora police would not confirm that..
This is some of the pics taken during the movie massacre:

James Holmes,Suspect(looks can be deceiving)

one of the witness 

the victim who got shot

the gas mask used by holmes

 Tom Sullivan, center, embraces family members outside Gateway High School where he has been searching franticly for his son Alex Sullivan who celebrated his 27th birthday by going to see “The Dark Knight Rises,” movie where a gunman opened fire Friday, July 20, 2012, in Aurora, Colorado.
Here are some of the cool post i found while browsing through 9gag:
All in all, let's remind ourselves that we can't predict the terror we might embrace in the next minute. This tragedy was really unpredictable and had for sure i think had implemented another fear inside our heart. So my advice is to live life to the fullest and utilize it in the best way possible(YOLO in the most meaningful way).Because in the end, how can you be alive if you're not living ?=)
To find out more go to here!

Friday 20 July 2012


Hello forum:)
Have you guys heard about 9gag before??I am most absolutely sure that you have for it is maybe one of the most visited website by our generation so far(seriously i did not just not make that up.Lol:)),well that aside,this site have given me a really good laugh every single time i visit this site..the good thing about this site is not only it had given me a good laugh, it also provide us with the latest, fresh new information of our current world...but why does it call itself 9gag?what does 9gag stands for anyway..who knows..i check the internet but the only answer that i got is "The most epic of the epic. The funniest of the funny. All the best that the Internet has to offer"=.=..anyways after further research or my personal non-educating investigation, i found out who the creator is..and it's Ray Chan!!....yes who would have guess?...out of all people...hmm...actually,who is this guy?(-.-')..anyways, are some of the post that i really enjoy!

Thursday 19 July 2012

Drama review:Proposal Daisakusen

Hello forum,:)
Well this is the first time i write a drama review,from here you can tell that this is really a good drama since i am actually writing about it. This drama is quite old i think, i watch it during my highschool years. Anyway, this is the first drama that i watch until finish.(it's quite amazing since i never really like drama before but this actually change my lifestyle a bit).(O.O)..well without further a due here's this drama synopsis by me:
This is a story about a boy who like this girl since they are like elementary school, the boy namely Iwase Ken
played by Yamashita Tomohisa(very talented actor and singer) is really shy and cannot talk the talk,cannot walk the walk(you know what i mean:he's really shy). He like this girl name Yoshida Rei played by Nagasawa Mamami.Here's how it role,,,Ken likes Yoshida but every time he wants to confess to her..he got scared and thought that he can postpone this confession to another day and thinks that Yoshida won't go anywhere..turns out that he procastinate until Yoshida's wedding to some other guy...damn.Then he realize how stupid and careless he is to let go of her..He become depressed and really really really wished that he can go back to the past to change his whole life for the sake of her..Turns out a fairy chuch heard this miserable guy keep hitting on himself and lend Ken the power to go back to the change his whole life to get her back...The story unfold from here..from there you can see how strong and powerful his feeling towards the girl of his dream.
Heres are some of the spoiler=)

Monday 16 July 2012

New in Blog Town

Hello blog readers,
Before i post anything special in this blog,lets start with something mainstream thing to do since this is the first time i use a blog before=)..a short intro of the crafter of this blog.
Thats me=)

Name: Douglas Hansen
DOB:16 May 1993(same with IU=D)
Hobbies: Drawing,doodling,playing futsal,video games, watching drama, reading manga,guitar,drums
Music: BIGBANG, CN Blue, Bruno Mars, Justin Bieber(don't judge me!),Eminem,Lil Wayne
Video game:Persona 4,Persona 3,Yakuza,Pokemon GBA,Zelda,mario..too much.
Motto:In a matter of style,swim with the current. In the matter of principle,sturdy like a rock.
..well i think its enough since its a short intro=)